Professional Import and Export
Customs Services
CONTACT US As HGL Customs Consultancy , we fulfill all legal procedures in your import and export transactions on your behalf with a fast, reliable and sustainable understanding. We embrace the importance of reliability, sustainability and education of offer professional customs consultancy services with our competent staff.
Foreign Trade
Legislation Consultancy
CONTACT US We inform our customers about the planning and projecting stages of customs and foreign trade transactions and the issues needed in practice. We also share the developments in the field of customs and foreign trade simultaneously by providing continuous legislative support.
A Safe Foreign Trade with
Risk Analysis and Management
CONTACT US As a result of the audit activities carried out by consultants, we identify the risky areas as red points. With the "risk management" approach, we share information with our customers for the elimination of problems without damaging the business or with the company image.

Exclusive customs clearance service at the heart of the supply chain

We are experts in foreign trade and customs services. No matter how complex your needs may be, we fulfill all import and export procedures for your global foreign trade transactions in a way that will not leave you workload, and we also offer professional consultancy services. But that’s not all.

  • To facilitate import and export customs procedures
  • Protecting our customers against economic risks
  • To ensure that you benefit from incentive and implementation services
  • To carry out all processes transparently and online with various applications

Import and Export Customs Services

All services from the determination of the quota, surveillance, standardization, other restrictions and preliminary permits related to the goods to be imported or exported, to the physical delivery of the goods

Customs, Legislation and AEO Consultancy

Professional consultancy service during the planning, projecting and implementation stages of customs procedures and foreign trade procedures

Risk Analysis and Management

Identifying risky areas, professional support to resolve problems, resolving problem disputes with public institutions

Incentive Consulting

Applications that enable you to benefit from the management of all your projects that are complex and require expertise, as well as investment and export, as well as all incentives offered by the state.